Government College(A), Anantapur excels in India Today survey with B. Sc. at 118th rank, B.A. at 140th rank, and B.Com at 200th rank Nationwide. Ranked top among Government Colleges in Andhra Pradesh..šŸ’šŸ’  

College Canteen is place where Staff and students enjoy Snacks and socialize with peers.

The college follows the "Eat Right" policy and have banned the following products.

☛ Soft drinks and packaged drinks

☛Pizzas, Burgers and other junk foods

☛ Parotta and other refined flour products

☛The nominal prices are fixed by the Vice ā€“principal of the college .

☛ The quality of food check will be done by the Vice ā€“principal of the college.

☛The canteen owners should follow hygienic conditions as stipulated by Vice principal of the College.

☛The usage of plastic cups and plates are prohibited.

☛Only purified water should be used for cooking and drinking purposes.

☛Menu boards with price tags should be displayed in the canteen.

☛Working hours will be from 8.30 a.m to 5.30 p.m

☛Canteens are mandated to sell products certified by Food Safety and

☛Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

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